New Guild Meeting?

Dear colleagues,

it has been too long since our last Guild Meeting Online (or GMO, as Genetically Modified Organisms). Moreover, MBB staff was not present and did not have the possibility to discuss our Teaspoon BrewPub project. I suggest we try to find a suitable saturday that can accomodate all three time zones. Suggestions are welcome, I'm pretty much without plans for the coming month...

Cheers! Marco, CEO BBB

Brew Porn

The crystal clear mountain spring cascading over granite rocks. The brilliant green of leaf hops. The earthy glow of malted barley. The German narrator deilberating every succinent detail in a heavy teutonic accent. It can only be brew porn. Speidal brew porn. Observe the German gentlemen utilizing the 'build in crane'  of the 200L aparatus 6 minutes into the video. Stirring the wort.  Seductively teasing the mashed barley from the wort. Salaciously transfering it into a fermenter with a built in cooling jacket. Loosen your pants, grab some vaseline, a beer and enjoy.


Members of the guild,

The Mangled Badger has made such a profound impact in the USA that Barack Obama has now started brewing beer in the Whitehouse

He was clearly influenced by the Mangled Badger Brewery and we look foward to tasting his honey ale. Possibly in the White house.Badgervangelism finally paid off.

New England Activities at the Mangled Badger

Members of the Guild,

Welcome Flathead!

It is my great pleasure to announce that Flathead brewery has been accepted to be a part of the Lund Brewing Guild. I had no doubt that this bright young fellow would have had the stones to be one of us. I admit I have a touch of personal satisfaction because I was the one indicating the path of virtue to him. He then went on to recognize it, embrace it, and drink it. so I guess he has some credit too. 

Sad news...

... for the users of the Guild's biobank (which actually only include us). Our precious strains are pretty much dead. We tried to reculture several vials lately and with most disappointment found out that nothing is growing, not even trying. I think the availability of live cells in there is just too little, and the thawing process kills them off. Brewmistress Litsa says that they probably have been there for too long, as they worked before.
BBB will try to replenish supplies.

Marco & Litsa

Some information

Dear colleagues,
it appears that someone else in Lund had an idea similar to ours. See this link

in swedish, but google can translate that for you.

In addition, I have done some more research on basic brewing equipment for mid-scale batches, and came across an insteresting solution from some german company.


Dear Colleagues,

the Aliquot brewery doesn't limit itself to brewing copious amounts of tasty beer. We have an efficient program of recruiting new brewers, people who will brew beer for us in the days of retirement. Step one is make a person taste your beer. Most likely better than they've ever bought in a liquor store. Step two is telling them how cheap it is to make great beer. Step three is to make them aware it is not that difficult and they can do it too. 

Yeaster 2

Dear friends (colleagues seems exaggerated, since nobody brews anymore),

At Aliquot we had a new celebration of our friend, the Yeast. Worshipping started around 11 am and went on until late night, with bread, cakes, and especially beer. Ten of us downed roughly 25 liters of beer, and we made a new batch. This time was a little experimental, a honey ale. we'll see how will it turn out. 

Keep brewing and post something some time!!!!

30th beer at the Aliquot Brewery

Dear Colleagues, 

we reached an important mark at the Aliquot Brewery. 30 beers brewed in less than 2 years of activity. To properly celebrate this achievement, I brewed a giant tripel, 30 liters after boiling. Of these, I put 21 with normal trappist high gravity, and the rest with yeast a recultured from a Chimay bottle. Let's see if those monks hide the secret for a great brew!

Looking forward to more beers produced here at Aliquot! 

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