First BBB Brew now bottled!

The first Bald Brain Brewery Brew, also known as Virgin Synapse, has now been bottled and is comfortably sitting in our walk-in closet. At a first sampling, it tastes a bit like an English Bitter (quite unexpected, but hey, how can you expect something from kit brewing), something Carlo will probably enjoy, with an average alcohol content that should set around 5%.

Two more weeks and we'll know the final result. I aimed for 2.2 CO2 volumes when priming.


BBB first batch ready for bottling

The first official beer batch (even if from a kit) of the new Bald Brain Brewery has finished primary fermentation and is now ready for bottling. Today or tomorrow I'll proceed and in two weeks time we'll be ready to taste what Stuart considers shit. I bet it'll be better than Amigdala Madness or Walshy Weiss...

The Guild website is now up and running

So, after semi-drunken discussions at the last crisis meeting, here I provide you guys (and girls of course) with the first trial version of the Guild website. I strongly advise you to create an account a try on the different things you can do with it, and let me know if you want some other features or if you consider others useless.

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